Class GenericTestBeanCustomizer

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Customizer, Serializable, Accessible, SharedCustomizer

public class GenericTestBeanCustomizer extends JPanel implements SharedCustomizer
The GenericTestBeanCustomizer is designed to provide developers with a mechanism to quickly implement GUIs for new components.

It allows editing each of the public exposed properties of the edited type 'a la JavaBeans': as far as the types of those properties have an associated editor, there's no GUI development required.

This class understands the following PropertyDescriptor attributes:

group: String
Group under which the property should be shown in the GUI. The string is also used as a group title (but see comment on resourceBundle below). The default group is "".
order: Integer
Order in which the property will be shown in its group. A smaller integer means higher up in the GUI. The default order is 0. Properties of equal order are sorted alphabetically.
tags: String[]
List of values to be offered for the property in addition to those offered by its property editor.
notUndefined: Boolean
If true, the property should not be left undefined. A default attribute must be provided if this is set.
notExpression: Boolean
If true, the property content should always be constant: JMeter 'expressions' (strings using ${var}, etc...) can't be used.
notOther: Boolean
If true, the property content must always be one of the tags values or null.
default: Object
Initial value for the property's GUI. Must be provided and be non-null if notUndefined is set. Must be one of the provided tags (or null) if notOther is set.

The following BeanDescriptor attributes are also understood: Integer
where group is a group name used in a group attribute in one or more PropertyDescriptors. Defines the order in which the group will be shown in the GUI. A smaller integer means higher up in the GUI. The default order is 0. Groups of equal order are sorted alphabetically.
resourceBundle: ResourceBundle
A resource bundle to be used for GUI localization: group display names will be obtained from property "group.displayName" if available (where group is the group name).
See Also: