Package org.apache.jmeter.control

package org.apache.jmeter.control
  • Class
    This interface is used by JMeterThread in the following manner:
    This is a Critical Section Controller; it will execute the set of statements (samplers/controllers, etc) under named lock.
    ForeachController that iterates over a list of variables named XXXX_NN stored in JMeterVariables where NN is a number starting from 1 to number of occurrences.
    This class is the basis for all the controllers.
    This is a Conditional Controller; it will execute the set of statements (samplers/controllers, etc) while the 'condition' is true.
    Alternate among each of the children controllers or samplers for each loop iteration
    Identify controller that does iterations
    Class that implements the Loop Controller, ie iterate infinitely or a configured number of times
    The goal of ModuleController is to add modularity to JMeter.
    Used by the Generic and Interleave controllers to signal the end of their samples
    Controller to run its children once per cycle.
    Controller that rans randomly one of it's children on each iteration
    A controller that runs its children each at most once, but in a random order.
    This interface represents a controller that gets replaced during the compilation phase of test execution in an arbitrary way.
    Runtime Controller that runs its children until configured Runtime(s) is exceeded
    Implements a controller which selects at most one of its children based on the condition value, which may be a number or a string.
    This class represents a controller that can control the number of times that it is executed, either by the total number of times the user wants the controller executed (BYNUMBER) or by the percentage of time it is called (BYPERCENT) The current implementation executes the first N samples (BYNUMBER) or the last N% of samples (BYPERCENT).
    Transaction Controller to measure transaction times There are two different modes for the controller: - generate additional total sample after nested samples (as in JMeter 2.2) - generate parent sampler containing the nested samples
    Transaction Sampler class to measure transaction times (not exposed as a GUI class, as it is only used internally by TransactionController in Generate Parent sample mode)